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Friday, November 30, 2007

Forex Training Trading 102 - FOREX BROKERS! Who do I give my money to? Whose advice and training do I trust? -- PART 2

Forex Training Trading 102 - FOREX BROKERS! Who do I give my money to? Whose advice and training do I trust? -- PART 2

Let’s talk about brokers in the Forex industry as a whole as part of your premiere free forex training.


In the last post I left you at the Swap Test for brokers and how to determine what level of integrity the broker has.

Test 2 is the ECN test. This is going to take some explaining so I’m going to first teach you about the different orders system and how 1 is corrupt and the other is legitimate (in my eyes at least).

Simple Definition:

ECN = Electronic Communication Network – An electron system that brings buyers and sellers together for the electronic execution of orders / trades.

Order House/Market Maker = A broker that takes orders and may not necessarily place that order on the ECN to complete the trade. The broker may find 2 people within the firm that match up and complete the order that way.

You have to call up the broker and ask them what their structure is and how they place their orders. They should tell you (without thinking about it), that the orders go straight onto the ECN for execution and they do not handle any executions of orders, they just submit them via automated computer means.

The other type of broker could hold your order and bet on you loosing you money. So they will show you (virtually via the data stream) that you order went through, they hold the order in their “safe keeping,” betting you you loosing money (since most people do in the forex – because they don’t invest in their forex trading education). So you loose some money, but really that order never went to the market, the broker just kept it the entire time. This may not seam like a problem at first but what happens when you invest in your education and you end up making huge gains time and time again? Well since they didn’t put that order on the market, they will be responsible for taking money out of their account putting it in yours, which they will not like very much.

This type of broker may also have the ability to manipulate the data stream, so lets say you have a trade in place with pretty substantial stop loss (your protection point – a stop loss liquidates your trade at a price that you set that if it breaks you know the trade was wrong, protecting you from massive losses). If the bad broker has flagged your account as being a big winner and a risk to them, they will look at your stop loss and can manipulate the data engage your stop loss, after several of these they will have all of their money back.

Another question to ask them is if you place a trade with them can you see the trade go through on the level II (level two) data? If they say yes, ask what name it will appear as. If they cannot provide the name, beware, if they say no, beware. No I have not told you what this is yet, and it’s a little more than this post can handle. I am considering making a video to better illustrate this point.

This is a good breaking point for today….

To be continued……

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